Though most people will experience mental illness in some variation throughout their lives, it can be difficult to understand what is going on inside of a person’s head when they stray from what is considered to be the norm. Mental illness can look differently on everyone. It can vary in severity, and the symptoms are known to shift depending on the individual and certain surrounding factors. Some mental illnesses are caused by traumatic events while others can be genetic or caused by alterations in brain chemistry. The truth is that mental illnesses are identified by patterns more than anything, and we have come to expect that certain conditions come with certain patterns. The interesting thing about this is that not every single individual experiences the same pattern even if they have the same condition. There are some traits that medical professionals have come to expect, but the individual component in each person ultimately determines what the illness will look like.
This guide will help you understand:
* Schizophrenia and its categorical types of expression
* Childhood schizophrenia
* Misconceptions of schizophrenia
* Symptoms
* Treatment
and more in-depth detail of the mental illness that is Schizophrenia.
There are few commonalities that will signify a manipulator at first glance. Moreover, manipulators are often cunning and know the power of a well-executed first impression. Foreknowledge is power. Understanding how to identify a narcissist in your midst is a valuable skill and, as many will attest, is worth the painful learning process. The value you create should benefit you and your workplace. Cooperation is healthy and coercion is toxic. An unhealthy balance of power would entail unavoidable confrontations. What makes workplace narcissists so nasty is that you don't have a choice but to remain in their sphere of influence. This handbook will teach you everything you need to protect yourself from the narcissists in your workplace.
In ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes: The Tell-All Tale, you will learn about Mike, in his own words and by his own actions. He has made multiple, death-defying steam-powered rocket jumps on his path to the greatest daredevil stunt ever conceived: a solo-flight to the edge of outer space, where he believes he will be able to take a picture of the entire Earth as a “flat disk”.
In a world where people constantly battle with the stigma of mental illness, it can be a terrifying decision to discuss these things with a doctor, but the potential to elevate a person’s life and help them to gain control is well worth it.
The reality is that bipolar disorder, much like any condition, is not a flaw in a person, but rather a peculiarity in the human system that can be addressed and worked with in order to manage it in a way that helps them to best interact with the systems already in place. Plenty of famous actors, artists, writers, and scientists lived fulfilling lives with this condition and even used it to gain a unique insight into things that other people simply could not have.
However, more importantly, plenty of people are living their lives every single day and have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and while it might not always be easy, it does not stop them from living their best lives. The reality simply is that understanding and accommodation are the keys to mitigating the potential downsides of disorders like this, and as time continues to pass, scientists and doctors are only getting better at understanding the tools that people with bipolar disorder might need to live better lives.
A diagnosis is not a sentence, but rather the first step in understanding who a person is and what they might need to live their lives on their terms.
Empathy is the ability to sense emotions and feelings of other people. The concept of empathy is deeply rooted in the history of evolution.
Empathy makes a person see the world, the environment, and the events as other people see it. It makes a person non-judgemental and communicative.
Researchers, scientists, and educators have knocked their heads off to understand the science behind this human interaction. And they found what it is. Tiny little cells in our brains give us this ability to understand others. When we see a close one suffering these small cells in our brain help us know he is suffering. Then we feel the pain of that suffering of the other person. This builds the foundations of empathy, without us knowing anything at all. We stay at the moment and feel the pain that’s not ours.
Emotional Quotient or Emotional intelligence deals with recognition and management of emotions. Emotional Quotient is a measure of Emotional intelligence.
You heard it right. It can be measured just like your weight. People want their weight to be less but believe me, you don’t want your EI to be less because low Emotional Intelligence is linked to stress, anxiety and bad performance. Emotional Quotient is just as important as Intelligence Quotient. This is directly linked with success, leadership, good performance and even happiness.
In this guide, you will learn:
* What is Empathy
* Empathy vs Sympathy and Compassion
* How to Build Empathy
Expert Ways to End Anxiety And Panic Attacks. Get Guidance now!
Would you like to end the suffering caused by an anxiety disorder, panic attack, depression, stress, or any mental health challenges? Perhaps you feel hopeless because you've been advised that your mental health trouble is a chronic circumstance? As a parent, do you think your child is struck by anxiety problems?
If so, consider using this “Anxiety In A Nutshell Book” for expert guidance and effective treatment. Anxiety is the world's most common mental illness that is hell-bent on ruining the lives of millions of people. But the disorder is a treatable ailment with the right information; anyone suffering from anxiety issues should not suffer for the rest of their lives.
This expert guide clarifies everything you need to know about anxiety disorder and how it affects your well-being. The information in this book will quickly help you come out of the suffering of mental health challenges without taking prescription drugs that have side effects.
Written with action-oriented strategies, these approaches have higher results to help adults, teenagers, and children get their life back by eliminating the devastating symptoms of anxiety attacks.
It is a ‘do it yourself guide’ that gives you the best treatment options regardless of your age. An easy to understand guide covering causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Not only will this book improve your mental health, check more complex psychiatric problems, but will also help you become more successful in your life by improving your intelligence.
Are you looking for ways to protect yourself from a narcissist? Do you want to discover how you can better understand, and effectively deal with a narcissist parent without putting aside your own needs?
As the daughter of a narcissistic mother, would you like to know how you can build emotional protective walls around yourself?
“Narcissistic Parents In A Nutshell” is written to show you how to end your lifelong struggle with parental narcissistic abuse and recover your self-esteem. Within the pages of this book, you’ll discover how to deal with the impacts of narcissistic abuse, heal from emotional abuse, and know how to move forward beyond self-doubt and fear to create a life of meaningful purpose.
Reading this guide will give you the ability to recognize narcissistic tendencies in your parents and ways to free yourself from them. It will also show you how to regain control of your boundaries and find your true self just by taking certain positive steps.
It really doesn't matter how lost you feel right now, you will be rewarded with the liberty you had once been robbed of and overcome self-doubt as well as improve your general wellbeing once you start taking advantage of the therapeutic information in this book.
You may have heard of 5G and want to understand what 5G technology is; and what dangers it poses.
There are various reasons 5G technology and networks are being introduced. The primary reason which we are told is that this technology will make life better. Such as, increased data transmission speeds and greater network reliability. But this may not be the ultimate reason.
5G will bring about an exponential increase in the exposure of humans and animals to electromagnetic radiation, and worse of all, at frequencies that have never been seen or used in consumer applications.
Since 5G safety studies have not been conducted on either the short- or long-term health effects, we do not yet know the result of the impact of the radiation of 5G on humans. However, it is known that there are no safe EMF radiation levels.
The next-generation networks will be implemented without proper testing and no appropriate update to the security standards.
Citizens are concerned 5G will require thousands of small cell towers, which will be placed in every nook and cranny of a city for the network to work. Due to receptors in every corner, residents have no choice but to be significantly exposed to electromagnetic fields for extended periods.
When considering the health risks of the 5G networks to children, increased exposure to the EMF is of significant concern. While children absorb more radiation, they are even more susceptible to the various health effects as a result of interaction in their bodies and systems that are still developing.
In this guide explore why 5G technology could be ushered into society and how millimeter waves can be to be weaponized using the Active Denial System (ADS).
This is by no means an exhaustive survey of the topic. There are reasons why some individuals are targeted by manipulators, while others are passed over.
If you had a narcissistic or manipulative parent you might be primed for the manipulators of the world; there is a dynamic between the manipulator and the manipulated which must be understood if you are to inoculate yourself against manipulation.
The key to overcoming manipulation and manipulators is self-awareness.
By understanding our own weaknesses, we can build up walls to screen out the liars, cheaters, and abusers before they get in close enough to do us harm.
This book is your defense from the narcissistic soul suckers and controllers that roam the world.
If you found this useful search online for other books by Jon Bet.
A box of memories is a container of someone's little joys, tears, feelings of helplessness and the inexpressible pains that remain concealed deep down inside and get revealed only on certain special occasions. This is the story of Naro, a girl from a small, poor town in India, who grows into a fine young lady with unbelievable beauty and a good job in a reputed university. Yet every day, she holds on to unbearable pain inside. She has held on to the same pain for years. It feeds on her and finally devours her completely.
She lost her parents and her only friend in the entire world at a very young age. The friend returns to her after years and only then does she realize that the pain of having lost her had been plaguing him just as it plagued her. In the end, all that remains in the world is the box of memories which Naro leaves for her dear friend, Mark.
It was fate that brought them together and fate, itself, that tore them apart.
Bipolar is a term that is often referenced colloquially to describe someone with mood swings, but the clinical reality of this disorder is something quite different altogether. While it has become commonplace to use terms describing mental illness in a way that only aims to align them with one notable trait, the diagnoses themselves are often expansive in a way that is not always easy for a person who has not experienced them to understand.
In the event that you have bipolar disorder or are symptomatic and trending towards a diagnosis, you might be seeing certain behaviors that are raising alarm. Or, you may not be seeing them at all, and are instead hearing them from those around you. This is why we have built a comprehensive guide on how to weaponize your bipolar disorder to drive your spouse absolutely insane. You might very well have been biologically programmed with all of the tools that you could ever need to eradicate certain undesirable people from your life.
In this guide you will learn:
How to use your manic cleaning episode to make your spouse feel like they don’t pull their own weight
The easiest way to stay depressed & make your spouse realize that their life is way too uninteresting to care about at all
How to shut down any conversation you deem stupid
The ability to develop the newest interests and hobbies to fixate on for days. Or weeks!
How to use your gambling choices to win big for the household
If the only tool in your arsenal is your impeccable charm, then you might have a few reasons why you would need to rewrite reality and manipulate people. This makes gaslighting an appealing option. You might be looking for a quick-fix when it comes to getting those around you to give you exactly what you want or to obey your every command. For some reason, most people don’t feel too compelled to just hand over their priceless family heirlooms and take everything that you say as an indisputable truth.
Fortunately for you, Gaslighting: For Fun & Profit is here to act as your morally bankrupt guide on how to break down the will of everyone around you until they are so desperate to appease you that they take your word as gospel.
Tips and tricks for convincing people that they are, literally, going insane include:
Picking out the perfect target for brainwashing
Making people so insecure that they isolate themselves
Convincing people that the reality they know is a lie
Training people to accept that every lie you tell is actually true
Manipulating as a boss, spouse, and parent
~Adapted from the hilarious screenplay!~
Mark, a twenty-something software developer, forgets the most important rule of relationships, causing the love of his life to end it all. He’s amazed when he wins her back with an open and honest apology letter.
After hearing this story, his best friend and fellow coder speculates that Mark’s letter may have cracked the code of human emotions. This leads the pair to anonymously sell their letters using bitcoin to others who just can’t seem to find the right words.
Before long, their site,, has taken off. When news reporters start to question who is behind these mysterious letters that can mend a broken relationship, deliver the perfect wedding toast, or even eulogize your dearly departed Aunt Millie, their digital lives start to threaten their real lives. Throw in a vindictive hacker and the chaos is splattered all over social media.
Find out what happens in this modern dramedy about relationships, social hacking, and Bitcoin.
In a world where we are all always on display it can be scary to try anything that we fear that we might be judged for. The internet is forever, and smartphones have come a long way in making us believe that our next most embarrassing moment will be viral in no time. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the opportunity to be someone else or try new things without anyone knowing? You might have considered digital alter-egos or maybe even running off to a new city and changing your name, but have you ever considered the freeing wonder of simply pretending to be your own twin?
Making the decision to be your own twin is not for the faint of heart. It is a choice that requires commitment, dedication, and a willingness to embrace your deepest and darkest desires while still wearing your face. Fortunately, it also gives you full control over an entire second life and a persona that you can use to your advantage every step of the way. By playing the role of both you and your twin, you can have your cake and eat it too.
Besides, everyone knows that no one has your back like a twin.
Learn how to protect your copyright
In 7 short chapters, you will learn the fundamentals of copyright law and the steps necessary to remove content from the Internet that violates your copyright or likeness.
This book is perfect for writers, photographers, bloggers, artists, and other content creators who find others using their creations or likeness without permission.
What You'll Learn:
What copyright and fair use are,
What the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is and why it helps you,
How to force websites like Facebook, YouTube, and Scribd to remove content that violates your copyright,
How to contact the person or company that violated your copyright,
What rights you have to take action against a content violator,
How to talk to a lawyer about your problem,
How to file and submit court paperwork
Who This Book Is For:
This book is for artists, writers, photographers, videographers, and others who create content on the Internet, who' want to stop their creations from being misused or used without permission.
The oncoming onslaught of 5G can't be stopped. This new technology will affect living human beings to the core of their health. This guide will tell you all the ways the government and powers to be will be using Fifth Generation signals to blast through your home devices to levels you could never imagine. Dangers involving 5g technology is serious and varied. Learn how to protect yourself and the people you love.
"Science Fiction" is such an alluring phrase because it allows us to extend our minds past the visible ends of space. We can imagine a future that transcends everything we perceive to be true about the world without actually breaking any of the logical concepts that we hold self-evident.
This carefully selected anthology is a collection of stories by up and coming science fiction authors crafted to change your perception of reality. We will challenge how you look at the world around you by infusing fiction with just enough reality that it seems almost possible... if still implausible.
We are about to embark on a journey together into the twisted minds of some truly demented authors. Who we are when we come out on the other side completely depends on whomever they want us to be.
Have you ever had a nightmare that was so real you could have sworn it actually happened? You woke up in a cold sweat, looked around your bedroom in the dark and tried desperately to remember who you were and why you were so terrified? Then you remembered and everything was better, but the dream stayed with you. It haunted everything you did all throughout the next day. You could never really relax because every time you did you would remember the dream. It infected your brain like a disease and tainted your every thought.
This anthology is like that terrible dream. It is our greatest collection of morbid, morose and distressing stories; stories that will stay with you all day and scream into your ear at night. These are the stories that will have you checking your closets for monsters again because some of the worst creatures we can imagine are right in front of us all of the time. They are always listening. They know our deepest fears and darkest secrets and they are waiting just for you…
Life is pretty fun, right? You can eat bushels of cake, smoke cigarettes, snort coke, drink tons of booze. If we weren't supposed to be having a good time, it wouldn't feel so good, right?
We've got some bad news, friend. We need you to stop having fun immediately. Put down the cheeseburger and come with us, because everything you love is killing you and it will not be an easy way to die.
This book is the ultimate guide to sucking every ounce of fun from your currently joy-filled existence and replacing it with whatever kale is. By the end of this book we will have you eating better, sleeping better, living better and sober enough to realize exactly how not fun all of that actually is.
This book contains tips to:
Quit Smoking and Vaping
Quit Drinking
Eating Healthier
Sobering Up Your Drunk Friend
Coming Down From Being Too High
and Which Pressure Points Are Possibly Useful!
If your life has been feeling like just a little bit too much fun lately, we have an immediate remedy. No matter what the source of you joy, we have corresponding facts that will smash the fun right out of it.
Do you ever feel cursed? Is everything you do doomed to failure? Do people regularly call you a Jonah? A boor? A malcontent? A jinx? A shlimazel?
Have you ever fallen up the stairs? Burned water? Spelled your own name wrong?
If you have answered "YES" to most of these questions... Damn, that is unfortunate. But do not despair! We have the remedies to some of your life's biggest quandaries right here in this book.
This book contains all of the information you will ever need to get your useless, pathetic life back on track. You will learn idiot-proof strategies for changing your luck and improving your life that have almost nothing to do with black magic and human sacrifice.
Struggling to write a good story? Feeling as if your voice isn't being heard? Can you not even sit down to get your pen to paper? HOW TO WRITE A GOOD STORY, IN A NUTSHELL is here for you! Read this riveting how-to book to learn how to develop characters, narration, setting, tone, and more. The perfect guide to becoming the orator, writer, presenter, etc, that you need to be!
Many would woefully mourn the death of beloved Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But in this loaded political satire, politicians Nancy Pelosi and Chuck decide instead to celebrate her impassioned life. Ruthie is determined to cast her Supreme Court vote one final time: Dead or alive.
There is a culture that runs the world. A cult of power shared by an elite going mostly unnoticed by those not in it. It’s a secret and esoteric society and it covertly controls all governments, media corporations, mass entertainment outlets such as sports media, and all organized religions.
It uses fear, superstition, and utopian ponzi schemes to assume control over those that believe in the claims of its priesthood and its miracles.
This is not a "who done it?" conspiracy book but a "what is it?" book. This is about it. The “it” is their RELIGION.
The god of their religion? Themselves. And to the degree to which we give their priesthood power and influence, we worship them. When we tremble before their phony threats, we are in fact genuflecting at their power over us.
Are you tired of being all alone? Do you immediately change the station when a sappy love song comes on? Or maybe you are more interested in wooing the woman of your dreams.
There is nothing worse than meeting the most amazing woman and then not being able to seal the deal. What if there was a manual that could reveal to you all of the deepest, darkest secrets to a woman's heart?
Well, this is it.
In this book, you will learn:
Strategies for wooing the woman of your dreams
How to make yourself into the person she is looking for
And the #1 Secret to WInning a Woman's Heart that you will not be able to find anywhere else.
We guarantee that you will learn one thing you didn't know before you read this book. If you don't you should read it again.
Nothing hurts worse than losing the one person that makes the world make sense. Everything around you looks grey. Nothing seems enjoyable anymore and suddenly you are falling... falling away from your friends, your family, your job. It doesn't seem fair that one person exiting your life can take so much joy with them, but unfortunately... that is very much the reality.
If you are reading this description, then you NEED to read this book. If there is even the possibility that you are not living your best life every single day, then this is the book for you.
This book is designed to not only pull you up by the bootstraps but also teach you the tips and techniques you need in order to keep your life from veering off course.
Life is hard, but reading about how to fix it shouldn't have to be. We promise that you will not only be able to read this entire book, but it will be the least stressful thing you will do all day. There is no pressure to make a plan or implement a strategy. All you need to do is read. Read this book from cover to cover. You won't have to stop and write anything down or make any complicated graphs. All you will need to do is read and learn.
If you can do that, then you will be one step closer to making your dreams into a reality.
Are you a useless, cigarette-addicted drone, but wish you weren't? Are you smelly and friendless? Well, good news, pal. We have just the book for you. Not only will it help you kick that disgusting cigarette habit, which will, in turn, make you smell better. You will also attract more friends if you don't smell like the bottom of an ashtray all of the time.
Not enough good news? Well, it also works for you vaping morons, too. Aside, from heaps of sarcasm, from this book you will receive:
Tips about quitting smoking and staying clean
How to deal with the backlash from your friends and family
Diet tips to assure success
And a general sense of wellbeing that you have definitely not had in a very long time.
It is a universal truth that, ideally, everyone would like to wake up feeling great every day and if you don't... well then that just sucks. Feeling good is something we, as humans, take for granted until we just... don't anymore. And then after you start feeling terrible, all you can see all around you are people who feel and look incredible. It just snowballs from there. You feel worse as everyone around you feels better and it just doesn't seem fair.
That's where "How to Stop Feeling Like Poop In a Nutshell" comes in.
This book is crammed full of information and affirmations geared directly at all of the areas in your life that get you feeling crummy all day long and makes them disappear with strategies like:
Defeating negative mindsets
Tips for feeling comfortable just being yourself
Identifying negative people in your life
Picking out your own terrible thought patterns
We guarantee that you will learn something from this book and if you don't, it's probably just your own negative thinking getting in your way.
Ideally, Hiring a Freelancer is a quick, easy and relatively painless way to get work done that you either can't do yourself or you just don't want to. But in reality, hiring a freelancer can also be a complete nightmare. Everyone who has ever hired a freelancer can tell you at least one horror story about the giant waste of time and money they hired. Although it makes for a humorous story, the reality of the situation is that huge wastes of time and money can completely destroy a growing small business. But never fear, "How to Hire the Perfect Freelancer In A Nutshell" is here to save the day. This book is perfect for: Anyone who needs a freelancer! This book is designed to: Simplify the process of hiring a freelancer Teach what kinds of projects benefit from freelancer assistance Help you create the perfect job posting in order to get the right candidates for your Job Weed out the weakest candidates Attract quality candidates Ask the right questions in your interviews Set terms and deadlines that are fair for both of you
There are thousands of books out there about becoming a successful freelancer, so why should you buy this one? Because it was written by a successful freelancer! Who better to acquaint you with the deep, dark secrets of the freelancing world than someone who has been there and done that? No one! That's who! (Or whom, we aren't actually sure...) "Become a Successful Freelancer In a Nutshell" is the perfect stepping stone to get you from being broke and almost homeless to having a successful freelancing career in the world's burgeoning gig economy. Be your own boss! Make your own rules! Wear your pajamas to work! Work from your bathtub! As a successful freelancer, the world is yours to conquer. We cover such topics as: Getting started as a freelancer Finding work Questions to ask at the interview How to keep a client long-term And Many, Many More!
Are you socially clueless? Do you often find yourself wondering why people say one thing and then do another? Do you have a hard time figuring out how people feel if they don't come right out and say it? Life is hard, but reading emotions on a stranger's face doesn't have to be. With this concise and informative guide, you will learn how to determine someone's intentions just from the look on their face, which is, by all accounts, a superpower. This skill will also make you better at business negotiations, talking to your teenage children, poker, sales, and manipulating other people's emotions! Who doesn't want to manipulate other people's emotions?! Also included: How to express your emotions without words! How to be a happier and friendlier person! How to express disgust with only your face!
Although many, many people will see you clothed every single day, only a very select few will ever get the chance to see you naked. Those select and special few folks should really be in for a treat then, right? No one wants to be an underwhelming naked person, so do your part and make your nudity shine with this all-inclusive ebook that will help you not only look better naked but also feel better naked. Topics covered in this manual include: * Polishing up your birthday suit * Self Care * Posture and the all-important guide to body hair. Not only will this guide let you know what you are doing that makes you a less attractive naked person, but it will also tell you what other people are secretly looking at when they see you naked! Don't be an average-looking naked person for one more day. Read this book and "Look Good Naked" today!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the last person anyone would expect to have any problems. She has an amazing career, has two loving children, had a supportive husband and she has been given every opportunity to follow her dreams. But there is only one problem. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is slowly becoming a zombie. How will she be able to fight off the symptoms of her transformation while still maintaining her high-profile career, taking care of her family and maintaining a loving relationship with her husband? Life is hard enough without having to find brains that nobody will notice are missing. "It is as funny as it is completely disgusting," said Some Guy "Probably the only book you'll ever need," said Nobody Ever "Zombie Ginsburg is a gripping thrill ride," You will say
A young couple travels around the USA and stay at Online Reserved BnBs. They have lots of good experiences. Then they come to their final BnB, seemingly a nice place. Friendly personalized welcome notes, their favorite water in the fridge. Everything was going great until..
"It had been a long time since the wars have devastated the surface of the earth. There were survivors, but they were deep underground in bunkered cities. In the earliest days after the calamity this was fine......"
Winston finds himself at home in a new Sanctuary City. As he adjusts what he comes to know may not be quite as he expected. Enjoy exploring the new elite surroundings with Winston and his thoughts
Satellites from the Western Nations are colliding with those from the Russia, whose satellites are going the wrong way. What first seems an accident, then a few isolated incidents, becomes Hell on Earth as the satellites fall from the skies.
When will the school shootings ever stop? This question is at the center of one family's entanglement in a gigantic conspiracy involving the highest levels of government, media, and law enforcement....
Mission Control? This was not the dinner party I was expecting...
Man inadvertently finds out that cable company is using lots of balloons, rather than a geo-stationary satellite as advertised. A gripping story that will leave you with more questions than answers
This is a story about Timothy Osmand, a salesman for a cartography company called Metatron. They make maps and globes. While out camping on a squirrel hunting trip, he sees a strange light crash a few miles ahead. Inside the UFO craft he finds a dead human pilot...and a map... the map shows EARTH as a flat surface, surrounded by a frigid wasteland. Beyond the icy area, the map shows other land masses, also with central north poles, and icy regions at the perimeter.
The first casualty of war is truth. But what happens when the war is psychological and waged in secret? Based upon the true story of a retired safety officer entangling himself in a mass shooting investigation where nothing is what it seems and the lines between reality and fiction are blurred. It asks the question, "What happens when truth itself is taken captive by powerful forces in high places?"
is something which is widely understood to be as bad if not worse than more overt forms of abuse. This type of torture is mental, emotional, and for many, soul-crushing. By reading this “playbook”, codependents should be able to recognize covert abuse and avoid its pernicious effects.
Most of our social interactions are underscored by sublimated warfare. Competition is in our nature, and it can be constructive, driving all competitors to do and be their best. But there is another side to competition, when it gets unfriendly. In the workplace in particular, there is an inbuilt scarcity of available positions, and even if the limited positions aren't open in the near future, your future opponent may already be making covert moves. Perhaps highlighting your flaws and emphasizing your assets, while at the same time highlighting their own abilities which make them a better contender. Political warfare exists at all levels of society. There is no opt out. If you haven’t figured this out yet, then this book is perfect for you. Understanding what could happen to you might just save you irreparable reputational harm. If you go through life without getting stabbed in the back, double crossed, undermined, or smeared at least once, consider yourself blessed. The best offense is a good defense and, moreover, understanding the weapons of the enemy will make you more aware of these tactics went they are being used against you or someone you love. And should someone you love is targeted with a smear campaign, this book will be invaluable in helping them through it. And best of all, this doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your opponents in court, as these tacts are all covert, and will not directly implicate you if you’re cautious.
A map, right in the middle of his wrist. Will you be able to look away as his important life choices are made...or are you a Sly Dog Watching?
Based on the true story of baseless allegations of sexual assault against a nominee for the Supreme Court, where the opposition party went all out to smear a highly-qualified candidate in order to promote its political agenda.
On the ground, Lisa Thales, a 33 year old astronaut in training is selected to do a one year tour aboard the International Space Station. Along side training in the Parabolic Flights where they simulate zero gravity and the underwater diving in preparation for space-walks is her complicated relationship with a certain cosmonaut. There relationship crosses certain lines just as her time to exit the globe arrives.
This is the story of Stan, a janitor who works at an airport. He snoops in the wrong briefcase left behind in an office at the airport. In it he learns about a secret program to use commercial airlines to fill the skies with a chemical agent intended to incapacitate entire populations for days.
When the small Southwestern town of Albuquerque is beset with yoga students transformed into demoniacally possessed zombies organized by the leader of Hell itself and led by "The Beast" Aleister Crowley, the survivors must unite and fight off the hordes from below - lest the boundaries between the land of the living the world of the damned be removed altogether!
Learn only what matters for your business. In 10 short chapters, you will learn the fundamentals and business cases of blockchain technology. No mathematics, code, or theory: just a comprehensive, easy-to-understand overview of what the technology does and what it can be used for. This book is perfect for business leaders who want to know some of the technical concepts and how they apply to various business problems. It gives several examples of current and potential future uses for blockchain and why they work. What you'll learn: How blockchain works What problems blockchain solves Examples of blockchain in action Current applications of blockchain Possible future applications of blockchain Potential obstacles to blockchain adoption Risks of implementing blockchain Next steps This book is for forward-looking managers and business leaders who want a general understanding of blockchain technology, how it works, and they can use it to open new revenue streams for their business.
Resumé writing is hard for everyone. It's an awkward writing style with an unclear goal. To do it well, you must understand the recruiting process and have writing, design, and marketing skills. You may have questions about writing and formatting, such as "What do you need to say to get your dream job? Should you include a purpose statement? Should you have more than one column? How should you explain a gap year? What if you never finished college, or want to change career paths?" You may have questions about the process, such as "What happens when you apply for a job on the Internet? Where does my resumé go? How is it evaluated? Does a human even look at it? How do I write for both a robot recruiter and a human one?" I will answer all these questions and more in this audiobook. I’m Alice Bautista. I have been helping people find and land incredible jobs for more than a decade. My team and I have helped hundreds of job seekers, from CTOs to developers, find jobs they love. This work has taught me exactly what it takes to create an excellent resumé for any job. To create an excellent resumé, you must first understand its purpose, it's journey, and who will see it.
Zombie Marketing is an approach to making your brand as contagious and communicable as a zombie virus. It's a set of strategies and tactics for marketing success built upon the World Health Organization's five main phases of a pandemic. These describe the spread of a virus from patient zero to pandemic status. Zombie Marketing is an approach to making your brand as contagious and communicable as a zombie virus. It's a set of strategies and tactics for marketing success built upon the World Health Organization's five main phases of a pandemic. These describe the spread of a virus from patient zero to pandemic status.
My career in the death care profession spanned a decade but encompassed the industry from several perspectives. What tied all these together was my role as a driver for the dead. Sometimes I was a funeral driver, other times I picked up from morgues, and in another capacity I picked up the deceased from the scenes of car accidents, shootings, hit and runs, and worse. Finally, I cleaned up after homicides, accidents, and suicides as a side business. I could have organized it in a logical, linear fashion, but that's not how I remember it. My experiences varied widely and the pacing of the job was frenetic, fascinating, heartbreaking, and strangely edifying. Like death itself, it was always unpredictable.
Anyone who has experienced emotional abuse, physical abuse, or covert hostility will have an understanding of just how difficult it is to get rid of bad people. Those who are fortunate enough to have never dealt with narcissists, psychopaths, or haters simply cannot understand that it's not simply a matter of saying "no" or of declaring personal boundaries. There is a level of persistence exhibited by destructive and abusive individuals which transcends reason. This book will show you how to get rid of these parasites once and for all.
This audiobook will guide you through seven habits which are consistent across all game players, manipulators, narcissists, sociopaths, and liars. Simply by becoming aware of these habits, you'll find yourself being overlooked rather than targeted as another mark by these pernicious, intra-species predators.
This is not a satire, but it takes a satirical approach to shedding light upon a very dark subject: narcissistic abuse. It is intended to demonstrate to those struggling with codependency just how narcissists actually view them. By listening to their "play book", codependents should be able to recognize covert abuse and avoid its pernicious effects.